

  1. 隨意亂丟的廢棄物:廢棄物未妥善處理,順著水溝進入河川,最終流入海洋中。
  2. 惡意丟棄的廢棄物:海邊看到的大型輪胎、沙發、冰箱等,是有人把海邊當作免費的廢棄物處理場的結果。
  3. 垃圾掩埋場管理不當:因管理不當的掩埋場在颱風、大雨的影響下,廢棄物被颱風、大雨送入大海中。
  4. 漁業養殖、捕撈:海中所看到的漁業廢網、浮球、浮標、保麗龍,都是漁業過程中很常見的廢棄物。
  5. 隨季風洋流移動的海洋廢棄物:冬天的東北季風,會讓鄰近國家的海洋廢棄物來到澎湖沿岸,用廢棄物的包裝就可以輕鬆辨別。


  1. Group size: 2 to 4 people
  2. 了解海洋廢棄物的來源
  3. 學習淨海的相關事宜
  4. 完整實務練習:潛水淨海2次
  5. 了解海洋廢棄物的處理方式
  6. 學習使用IOCEAN,記錄淨海資料
  1. 單人單次活動2800元(岸潛2支)
  2. Additional Full set of diving equipment rental: 1000 NT dollars per person per day
  3. Additional enriched air tank: 200 NT dollars per tank per person
  4. The above fee included the instructor.The above fees include boat fees, instructor guiding fees, tank fees, complimentary light refreshments after diving, and diving activity insurance with advance booking. (Participants must bring their own diving gears; rental fees for diving equipment are separate.)
  1. Requires a valid diving certification (please provide when signing up)
  2. Please adhere to diver safety guidelines to ensure safety during your diving experience.
  3. Total activity duration approximately 4 hours, underwater time around 40-50 minutes. Due to weather conditions, instructors may adjust diving areas or routes for underwater safety.
  4. Before participating, you can review a health declaration questionnaire to confirm your suitability for diving activities based on your health condition.
  5. 需對自身中性浮力控制有一定的掌握,保護水下環境,如潛水過程中有破壞環境疑慮者,教練有權終止活動且不得申請退費
  • Session: 08:00, 13:00
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early at Ocean Channel Diving.
  • 總活動時間為5小時(半天)
  1. Arrive at Ocean Channel Diving Shop.
  2. Fill out a diving waiver, health declaration
  3. 行前活動簡報,淨海和潛水注意事項說明
  4. 更換潛水輕裝,Proceed to the diving location.
  5. 更換潛水重裝,進行潛水淨海活動(岸潛2支)
  6. 返回海洋途徑潛水店,海洋廢棄物的分類與秤重記錄
  7. 盥洗後,活動反饋和分享與線上記錄海廢資料