
What is a Citizen Scientist?
一種容易讓任何人,透過系統性的參與科學研究,就稱為"citizen science."。而參與其中的你,就已經成為公民科學家的一份子,不僅可以幫助科學家、政府機關的資料蒐集,促進科學的發展。親身參與的你,也可以最直接的獲得到特別的相關知識與經驗。

CoralWatch is a nonprofit citizen science program run by the University of Queensland. It engages volunteers worldwide to enhance understanding of coral ecosystems, climate change, and coral bleaching. By using a standardized coral health color chart, participants can assess and quantify changes in coral color, indicating the health of the coral. The collected data is uploaded by citizen scientists to monitor coral health globally. This data contributes to research through big data analysis, offering everyone a chance to participate in coral conservation efforts.

  1. 隨機選擇珊瑚類型,並找出顏色最淺的區域。
  2. 旋轉圖卡,找出和色卡上最相近的顏色。
  3. 記錄下顏色代碼。
  4. 再選擇珊瑚顏色最深的區域,並記下相對應的色卡顏色代碼。
  5. 記錄珊瑚種類,用珊瑚生長形狀簡易分四個選項。
  6. 選擇其他的珊瑚重複上述動作,一次調查至少記錄 10 corals during each survey.
  7. 透過coral watch官網將資料上傳。
  1. Group size: 2 to 4 people
  2. 學科課程了解CORAL WATCH操作方式
  3. 深入認識珊瑚相關知識
  4. 實際操作CORAL WATCH(岸潛1支)
  5. 認識CORAL WATCH線上回報方式
  6. 認識珊瑚白化與線上回報方式
  1. For a single-person, the cost is NT$4,600.
  2. If you need Full set of diving equipment rental: 1000NTD per day.
  3. Additional enriched air tank: 200 NT dollars per tank per person
  4. The above fee included the instructor.導覽費用(岸潛1支)、珊瑚觀察工具、學科內容、氣瓶費用、潛水後附贈小點心,提前預約活動,附贈潛水活動保險。(需自備潛水裝備, (Participants must bring their own diving gears; rental fees for diving equipment are separate.)
  5. 加購CORAL WATCH記錄板,費用另計
  1. Requires a valid diving certification (please provide when signing up)
  2. Please adhere to diver safety guidelines to ensure safety during your diving experience.
  3. 活動總時間約4小時,水下時間約50分鐘,依照潛水員的耗氣量而定,若天候關係,教練基於水下安全,會事先告知是否調整潛水區域或路線
  4. Before participating, you can review a health declaration questionnaire to confirm your suitability for diving activities based on your health condition.
  5. 需對自身中性浮力控制有一定的掌握,保護水下環境,如潛水過程中有破壞環境疑慮者,教練有權終止活動且不得申請退費
  • 場次:依預約日期海況而定
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early at Ocean Channel Diving.
  • The total activity time is 4 hours (half a day).
  1. Arrive at Ocean Channel Diving Shop.
  2. Fill out a diving waiver, health declaration
  3. Pre trip教學
  4. Change into snorkeling equipment.
  5. Proceed to the diving location.
  6. 更換潛水重裝,進行珊瑚公民科學家活動(岸潛1支)
  7. Return to the Ocean Channel Diving Shop, shower.
  8. Feedback of the event, upload the observation data of coral.