
為什麼要 Corals復育?
Coral is a type of cnidarian that thrives in water temperatures between 20-28°C. In suitable environments, corals continuously perform calcification, eventually forming calcium carbonate These reefs provide habitat for various marine species and help maintain ecological balance.
如今受氣候變遷與人類活動影響,珊瑚礁生態受到威脅,而珊瑚復育也是全球正在保護珊瑚礁的方式之一,利用剪取 coral fragments and sexual reproduction方式培育珊瑚幼株,在由潛水員人工移植到合適的海域,使珊瑚有機會回歸成大自然的一份子。 


這是 first coral restoration base in Penghu,,早期因氣候變遷的影響下,一度讓這個海域的原生珊瑚數量銳減,在近幾年的努力下,能觀賞到不同年份的珊瑚復育成果,每年媽祖誕辰前後還有機會觀察到珊瑚產卵。


  1. 領取由種苗繁殖場進行珊瑚分枝後,結合底座的珊瑚株
  2. 用水肺潛水的模式,將珊瑚帶到復育區
  3. 清潔珊瑚移植礁上的泥沙淤積
  4. 將珊瑚株與事先投放的珊瑚移植礁結合
  5. 將斷肢或損毀底座送回種苗繁殖場
  6. 定期觀測珊瑚生長狀況和數據回報


Restoration Methods:

  1. 領取由種苗繁殖場分枝的珊瑚種苗
  2. 用水肺潛水的模式,將珊瑚種苗帶到復育區
  3. 清潔珊瑚上的異物和藻類覆蓋
  4. 將珊瑚種苗固定在生態礁上
  5. 記錄生態園區出現的生物
  6. 定期觀測珊瑚生長狀況和數據回報
  1. Group size: 2 to 4 people
  2. 學習珊瑚復育相關知識
  3. 完整實務練習珊瑚復育過程(岸潛1支)
  4. Plant your own coral underwater
  1. 單人單次3600元(岸潛1支)
  2. Additional Full set of diving equipment rental: 1000 NT dollars per person per day
  3. Additional enriched air tank: 200 NT dollars per tank per person
  4. The above fee included the instructor.The above fees include boat fees, instructor guiding fees, tank fees, complimentary light refreshments after diving, and diving activity insurance with advance booking. (Participants must bring their own diving gears; rental fees for diving equipment are separate.)
  1. Requires a valid diving certification (please provide when signing up)
  2. Please adhere to diver safety guidelines to ensure safety during your diving experience.
  3. 活動總時間約4小時,水下時間約50分,實際潛水時間依照潛水員耗氣量而定
  4. Before participating, you can review a health declaration questionnaire to confirm your suitability for diving activities based on your health condition.
  5. 需對自身中性浮力控制有一定的掌握,保護水下環境,如潛水過程中有破壞環境疑慮者,教練有權終止活動且不得申請退費
  • 場次:依預約日期海況而定
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early at Ocean Channel Diving.
  • Total activity time is about 4 hours (half a day).
  1. Arrive at Ocean Channel Diving Shop.
  2. Fill out a diving waiver, health declaration
  3. Pre trip教學
  4. Change into snorkeling equipment.
  5. Proceed to the diving location.
  6. Change into snorkeling equipment. Proceed to the diving location. Change into diving gear, perform underwater activities, and sightseeing.(岸潛1支)
  7. Return to the Ocean Channel Diving Shop, shower.
  8. Feedback and sharing of the activity.