Nudibranch citizen scientist

What is a Nudibranch?
Nudibranches are marine invertebrates,看起來像是無殼的蝸牛,是屬於軟體動物門中的腹足綱,顏色多樣、外型差異性大是潛水員們喜好的生物種類之一。全球已知3000種以上的海蛞蝓,台灣已發現超過1000種以上。每種海蛞蝓有著不同形體、顏色、棲地、喜好食物和生活型態等等,在生態系統中扮演重要的角色。從潮間帶到亞潮帶都有機會發現牠們的蹤跡,知道他喜歡什麼環境就有機會在海裡找到牠們喔!我們一起成為海中的名偵探柯南吧~

Become a 海蛞蝓公民科學家,我可以做到:

  1. 認識不同種類的海蛞蝓的特徵
  2. 增進拍攝微距生物的技巧
  3. 體驗有別於休閒潛水的潛水模式
  4. 認識和以往不同的海洋世界
  5. 協助潛店每個月定期海蛞蝓的潛水調查
  6. 協助澎湖海蛞蝓生態的數據紀錄,有機會發現特別的種類喔
  1. 出團人數1人,上限2人
  2. 認識海蛞蝓調查相關知識
  3. 體驗水下定量調查的模式
  4. 實際水下操作(岸潛2支)
  5. 體會自己找尋海蛞蝓的樂趣
  6. 自備相機,增加微距生物拍攝經驗
  1. 單人單次 8000元(岸潛2支)
  2. Additional Full set of diving equipment rental: 1000 NT dollars per person per day
  3. Additional enriched air tank: 200 NT dollars per tank per person
  4. The above fee included the instructor.The above fees include boat fees, instructor guiding fees, tank fees, complimentary light refreshments after diving, and diving activity insurance with advance booking. (Participants must bring their own diving gears; rental fees for diving equipment are separate.)
  1. Requires a valid diving certification (please provide when signing up)
  2. Please adhere to diver safety guidelines to ensure safety during your diving experience.
  3. 活動總時間約5小時,水下時間約40-50分鐘,實際狀況一潛水能力而定
  4. Before participating, you can review a health declaration questionnaire to confirm your suitability for diving activities based on your health condition.
  5. 需對自身中性浮力控制有一定的掌握,保護水下環境,如潛水過程中有破壞環境疑慮者,教練有權終止活動且不得申請退費
  6. 需自備潛水相機,且相機具備微距拍照功能
  • 場次:依預約日期海況而定
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early at Ocean Channel Diving.
  • 總活動時間為約5小時(半天)
  1. Arrive at Ocean Channel Diving Shop.
  2. Fill out a diving waiver, health declaration
  3. Pre trip教學
  4. Change into snorkeling equipment.
  5. Proceed to the diving location.
  6. 更換潛水重裝,進行活動(岸潛2支)
  7. Return to the Ocean Channel Diving Shop, shower.
  8. Feedback of the event, and Nudibranch information integration